Research has shown that loans most of the time are obtained to sort out pressing and urgent matters. With many years of industry experience, Absa has positioned itself by employing the best of its financial and human resources in order to ensure that loan needs of its fast growing clientele are met expeditiously. One of the products living up to this commitment is Absa Express Loans.
Absa express loans are designed for those who need to access between R1,500 and R8,000, want a short term loan payable over 1,3 or 6 months, earn a minimum income of R1,500 per month, have a bank account into which a salary is deposited and you have proof of your current residential address such as a municipality or rate bills.
Critical benefits which come with this loan include an affordable credit protection plan to settle the outstanding balance if you die, become permanently disabled or get one of the dread diseases. Easy payments can be made by debit order and there is no early settlement penalties for early repayment.This loan facility comes with a repayment term of 1, 3 or 6 months and it has a roll over ability, this means you can take up another loan if the first loan is completely repaid.
This is indeed a unique product offering. Absa can be contacted on 0860100372.