Obtaining funds to finance your studies can be such a challenge if you are in a bad financial shape or don’t have anyone to finance you. This can be an easy task if you have the support of an institution that caters for all your studies.
Absa bank is one such financial institution which can provide you with such a financial back up; the financial firm covers for all your SETA and SAQA studies from 3 months duration and onwards. With Absa, you are enabled to apply for a grace period after you have completed studying in the event that you are not yet able to afford the repayment of your loan.
Absa study loans are provided at 9 Student bureaus located in some of South Africa’s leading tertiary institutions, the Absa sales contact centre and 100 selected Absa branches throughout the country.
When does it start?
Absa conducts numerous launches during the year with the thrust of making the information regarding its study loans known to students; the launch also includes a give-away for a car.
How to qualify?
To qualify for this financial facility a customer should produce proof of income from the person undertaking the study. Customers are approved based on their affordability and risk. Students who qualify for this study loan only need to pay back an interest fee of the loan during the term of studies. Customers will then pay the capital for example a four year course is paid back four three years.
What benefits do you get?
The study loan package allows students to pay the prime interest rate on their study loans and offers them a discount of 15% on study equipment upon applying for a study loan. Last but not least, the study loan forms part of the Student Package, which includes a student credit card and a cheque account.