Having a low credit score can be challenging, especially when you need to get access to a personal loan or access to other forms of credit. There are numerous reasons that may have led to individuals having a low credit score. For instance, some individuals may not have an established credit record while other people may have had financial challenges, which have led to skipped payments.
How to get loans for low credit scores and blacklisted individuals:
- Check your credit score before you apply for loans
- During the application process, make sure that you only apply from registered financial institutions
- Keep in mind that there are micro lenders that can assist, even if your bank has denied you access to credit
- Keep in mind that your bad credit history registers as a risk to the company
- Research as many reputable and accredited companies as possible
- When applying for loans for low credit scores and blacklisted individuals you need to be able to prove that you are permanently employed
Low Credit Score
Low Credit Score is a financial institution specialising in providing short term cash loans. Loan amounts range from R1000 to R120 000. Repayment period offered are between 6 to 60 months.
To apply, you need to be aged between 21 and 60 years old, permanently employed and be able to afford to make repayments. You also need to have a bank account in your name.
How to apply:
Visit the Low Credit Loans website www.lowcreditloans.co.za and apply online.
Once approved, all you need to do is visit the Randburg office to sign your loan contract and receive your cash.
Why choose Low Credit Loans?
- You get real access to hundreds of lenders who are willing to provide you a loan.
- Even with bad credit, no credit or past financial struggles, you can still qualify.
- There is minimal documentation involved.