Need money quickly? Apply for a payday advance cash converters solution.Payday loans are short-term loans that involve borrowing small amounts of money that can help you out financially until you are paid. This is generally done in cases of medical emergencies, or when your car breaks down and the payment cannot wait until you receive money again.
Pay day loans, that is also referred to as cash loans or cash advance loans, get must paid when you receive your next salary and this is why the terms are usually only 7 – 14 days.
Cash Converters do perform checks to see if the lender is able to pay back the payday advance cash converters loan, although there are some lenders that do not go through credit check process. For the application process, you will need the following:
- Identification in the form of a drivers licence, identification book, or passport.
- Proof of residence. The account that you present, must have your name on it as proof that you do reside at that residence.
- Baking statement or the last three months.
- Proof of income. You need to provide your latest payslip to proof that you are permanently employed and your employer needs to deposit your salary electronically into your bank account.
You can now receive your payday advance cash converters loan electronically on a FNB VISA eWallet card, called the Cashies™ Card, instead of receiving cash. With this card, you do not have to carry cash on you and it is pin protected. This VISA card also has unlimited free point-of-sale swipes plus you can withdraw money at any ATM. When you withdraw cash from a FNB ATM, the first withdrawal is free.
If you need to pay something that simply cannot wait, go to a Personal Finance Centre at you nearest Cash Converter stores and apply.