Many people rely on cash loans to help them meet their short term cash needs. Getting a cash loan often comes with a number of benefits, compared to term loans.
Benefits offered by cash loans:
Cash loans are quick to get. You can often simply apply online or in-store and possibly walk out with the cash to spend within an hour.
Cash loans are relatively easy to qualify for. If you don’t have a good credit score, in some cases you may be able to qualify. While traditional lenders may require numerous amounts of paperwork, with most cash loans providers, documentation required is minimal.
Many cash loan providers, such as micro lending institutions offer simple applications and convenient hours, which are better than banks. Applying online may often be a paperless process and it also means that you have the benefit of being able to apply at any time. There is no need to spend money on transport costs, when trying to find a branch. The process is secure as many lenders ensure that strict internet security measures are taken.
Where to get cash loans in Pretoria:
Xcelsior Loans
With a branch in Pretoria East, Xcelsior Loans is a registered credit provider and short term loan provider.
Collateral is required in the form of motor vehicles, where the value of the vehicle determines the amount of the loan.
There are no credit checks or affordability checks and blacklisted individuals are welcome to apply.
Loan amounts range between R5000 and R500 000.
The application process is quick and once approval has been confirmed, applicants can expect a cash transfer within 45 minutes.
Loan Shop
With a head office based in Sunnyside, Pretoria, Loan Shop is registered with the National Credit Regulator. A leading provider of cash loans in Pretoria, loan amounts offered are between R500 and R2500, with one month to repay.