Getting a cash loan nowadays no longer has to be a hassle. While getting access to an extra boost of cash in the past was made more difficult by the strict qualifying criteria of traditional lending institutions such as banks, changes to the National Credit Act have created more opportunities for consumers.
More micro lending institutions are offering unsecured and secured loans to individuals who are in need of cash solutions. Individuals who are in need of fast access to cash are often relying more on cash loans against their cars.
Xcelsior Loans:
A privately-owned, registered credit provider, Xcelsior Loans is able to assist with getting a cash loan against your car.
By applying for a cash loan from this lender, the value of your vehicle determines the loan amount you qualify for.
There are no affordability assessments conducted and the application process is simple, quick, easy and paperless. The only collateral required is in the form of motor vehicles.
The unpredictable nature of life often means that we have to grapple with unexpected expenses that may arise occasionally. When you suddenly become ill and you have a medical bill to settle, it can be quite helpful getting assistance in the form of a short-term loan. Xcelsior Loans strives to provide efficient service, so individuals can have the cash transferred into their account within 45 minutes.
Loan amounts offered are between R5000 and R500 000.
Visit to find out how to apply.
Lamna is a lender that allows you to get a loan against the value of your assets. There are no credit checks, no unnecessary paperwork and the entire process is extremely discreet.
There is no need for proof of income or a clear credit rating. You can simply use your car as security for a short-term loan.
All you need to do is submit documents including:
- Original car registration documents which are in your name
- Your valid South African ID
- Proof of address
Call Lamna on 086 111 2866 or visit their website here: