Death is inevitable. Despite this cold, hard fact, it still perplexes most people. During this difficult time the last thing that should be troubling you is figuring out how to pay for a funeral. Funerals can be quite costly. Even a basic funeral can cost upwards of R20 000 these days. This is why having adequate funeral cover is essential.
Fortunately South Africans have access to a multitude of funeral cover offers from numerous financial institutions. One such institution is Metropolitan, a Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed company founded in 1890.
The institution offers competitive funeral plans designed to make the lives of clients easier during their time of need.
Tell me more about Metropolitan Funeral Plans?
Available from just R37 per month, Metropolitan Funeral Plans provide funeral cover from R5000 to R50 000. There are no medical exams involved, so Metropolitan provides you with funeral cover to suit your needs.
Once all claims documents have been submitted, clients can expect a pay-out within 48 hours. Clients get a lump sum cash pay-out and additional funeral policy benefits.
Cover is provided for up to 9 family members.
Clients have the additional benefit of getting cash back after 5 years.
There are additional policy benefits from which to choose.
Optional Policy Benefits include
- Tombstone Benefit which pays up to R15 000.
- iNkomo benefit which pays a maximum of R18 000.
- Shopping benefit which pays a maximum of R18 000.
- Paid-Up Benefit – premiums may cease upon retirement, when the policyholder turns 65 or upon the death of the policyholder.
When choosing a funeral policy you should make sure that you choose an amount of cover that will suit your needs. The cover should provide enough to take care of various funeral expenses that will arise.