Coming to terms with unexpected expenses is never easy. These costs may bring many individuals to their knees, with their powerful crippling effects. Fortunately, there is a way out. Individuals can look to reputable lenders to provide a helping hand when it’s most needed. One such lending institution is Nedbank, which has a lengthy history in the South African financial market. The surge in unsecured lending is a powerful driving force currently in the South African financial market. Nedbank has stepped up by providing individuals as well as its existing clients with a personal loan service tailored to provide financial freedom.
Taking into account personal income and expenses, Nedbank personal loans are awarded to individuals who meet creditworthiness standards set by the bank. Funds are available from R1000 up to R120 000.
Nedbank also gives loan clients flexible repayment terms ranging from 12 to 60 months. The loans are unsecured in nature, so Nedbank clients are not required to put up any form of collateral against their loan.
With straight –forward application processes and eligibility for individuals who are also not Nedbank account holders; Nedbank Personal Loans are highly attractive. Once a client qualifies for a Nedbank Personal Loan and it is approved, the money is deposited directly into the client’s account.
What do I need to qualify?
Provide a valid South African I.D or a new Smart Card
Be permanently employed for a minimum of 3 months
Earn a minimum salary of R1200 per month and provide proof of a current payslip
Provide Nedbank with proof of residence
For an ideal supporter of financial goals, contact Nedbank and apply for the Personal Loan today. Visit or call 0860 103 582.