Managing their budget and staying afloat is becoming increasingly difficult for many people. They start to use credit for their day-to-day expenses and pretty soon they are paying off debt with debt. It becomes a never-ending spiral from which it gets increasingly difficult to escape and more often than not it ends in a bad credit record.
Loans for people with a bad credit record
Financial institutions will not grant you a loan when your credit record is compromised, but it is still possible to obtain a bad credit loan with our help despite your record.
Many lenders’ dedication to provide clients with a bad credit loan is backed by their easy application process. Simply complete their online application form which they will then present to their nationally recognised panel of lending partners and you are on your way to obtain a loan that can ease the pressure of a looming financial crisis.
People Listed on ITC
The application process only takes a few minutes and in as little as one hour after they have received your details you can expect the outcome! All it requires is for you to be a South African citizen with a monthly income of R1500 or more. Don’t refrain from applying for a bad credit loan just because you are listed on ITC – you may still qualify.
Having no credit or poor credit is a major stumbling block to getting a loan because you are viewed as a high risk customer who might default and leave the credit provider struggling to collect the loan repayment. It is a known fact that until your credit score is top notch, you won’t fit the standard lending guidelines that banks have to follow.